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NECSA Chairman Prof David Nicholls wins SAIEE’s ‘Engineer of the Year’ 2021 award

Mervyn Naidoo, Group CEO of ACTOM, which sponsors the SA Institute of Electrical Engineers’ annual Engineer of the Year award, presented the award for 2021 to Professor David Nicholls, Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of SA (NECSA), at the SAIEE’s Awards evening in Johannesburg on March 11 this year.

The picture shows Professor Nicholls displaying the award certificate after being awarded the Engineer of the Year award, with Mervyn Naidoo (left) and SAIEE President Prof Sunil Maharaj.

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The award was made in recognition of Prof Nicholls’ leadership in launching and leading the SAIEE Nuclear Chapter which consists of six active study committees in Science & Technology, Electricity Generation, Medical Applications, Environmental Impact, Education and Nexus of Applications for Local Industrialisation & Manufacturing. 

“The Chapter has formed the foundation for the new Nuclear Research Centre at the University of Johannesburg,” Prof Maharaj said at the presentation.



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