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Distribution Transformers increases its production capacity to manufacture extended product range

Distribution Transformers has recently expanded the production capacity of its Knights, Germiston, manufacturing facility to extend the upper power and voltage capacities of its transformers to 10MVA and 88kV respectively.

This represents a significant upward leap from the previous upper limits of 6MVA and 44kV of the division’s main product line of distribution transformers extending into the bottom end of the power transformer market.

“We’ve made this change mainly in response to the growing demand for transformers in the 5 to 10MVA range in the rapidly expanding renewable energy market, as well as in the mining industry, among others,” said Lee Mbenge, Distribution Transformers’ Divisional CEO.

Khuliso Mutheiwana, Distribution Transformers’ Chief-of-Test, is shown above conducting routine tests on a 5MVA power transformer in the division’s Highbay test facility.

“We’ve embarked on this move with the full knowledge and approval of the ACTOM group executive, as we have a role to play in contributing towards meeting the growing demand for power transformers in the 5 to 10MVA range with very short lead times. The two divisions ACTOM Distribution Transformers and ACTOM Power Transformers overlap each other in and around this range and with the recent upsurge in demand in this market segment we are both happy to share in supplying it,” he commented.

In the extended range Distribution Transformers offers purchasers the option of units fitted with on-load tap-changers, in place of the standard de-energised tap-changers that are customarily on offer. In addition, customers have a choice between ester oil filled and mineral oil filled units in this range.

Transformers for solar and wind applications will be part of the extended range of transformer offerings.

The expansion of Distribution Transformers’ production and testing capacity involved the acquisition and installation of a larger LV foil-winding machine, which is still preferred for better withstand capability under short circuit conditions, and the upgrade of an existing stacking table.

The following are already in place: 

  • A fully-equipped fabrication facility with options for differing corrosion protection up to C5-M.
  • A core and winding drying facility to cater for transformers up to 10MVA.
  • A full routine testing facility, including lightning impulse testing and partial discharge testing in a screened environment.
  • A 30t lifting facility.
  • HV winding machines.
  • A final assembly area.

“We have confirmed the support of renowned international transformer expert consultant Dr Hugo Piovan to vet our designs in the new extended range,” Lee concluded.



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