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Arnot appointed exclusive local distributor of well-proven rubber-to-metal parts for traction motors

Paul Steggink displays the two products Arnot supplies under the distribution agreement it signed recently with Dellner Polymer Solutions: (Left) The axle box ball joint used on the axle box links of Transnet’s 15E and 19E locomotives, and (right) the traction motor ball joint used on the bogie at the traction motors of the 15E and 19E locomotives.

ACTOM’s Arnot Vibration Solutions business unit recently negotiated a distribution agreement with Dellner Polymer Solutions of the UK giving it sole distribution rights in Southern Africa for the sale of Dellner’s anti-vibration rubber-to-metal parts deployed in the bogies of locomotives.

“We have supplied these self-same parts into the local market for many years under their former brand name of Silentbloc prior to the recent acquisition of this product range by the international Sweden-based Dellner Group, the parent company of Dellner Polymer Solutions,” explained Paul Steggink, Arnot’s Product Manager, who added that the product comprises mainly bushes and ball-joints for locomotive bogies.

Coinciding with the international change, a change also occurred in South Africa which altered the distribution arrangements relating to the product:

“We had previously long been supplying Silentbloc anti-vibration products to a local company for installation in the bogies of Transnet locomotives. Due to the changed circumstances we set out to negotiate the new exclusive distribution agreement with Dellner Polymer Solutions to ensure that we could maintain supply of these products for that purpose. With the new agreement we are looking at supplying the product directly to Transnet instead of via an intermediary company,” Paul stated.

“The exclusivity of the agreement also substantially widens the scope of opportunities available to us to market and sell this well-proven product to other railway operators in the Southern African region,” he concluded.



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