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High Voltage Equipment introduces enhanced 36kV outdoor combo circuit breaker

High Voltage Equipment (HVE) has introduced a new improved model of its popular 36kV 31,5kA outdoor combo vacuum circuit breaker which it launched several years ago as a more environmentally friendly and competitively priced substitute for the traditional kiosk “dogbox” breaker.

 MG 2842A

The latest product, the CTB36Plus, was introduced in August this year as successor to the CTB36 unit. Compared with dogbox breakers, these units are favourable, in that the circuit breaker, instrument transformers and surge arresters are all mounted on a single frame, reducing substation footprint by over 50%.

Like the CTB36, which has proven to be successful since its introduction in 2016, the new combo ACTOM branded circuit breaker model has been developed by HVE in partnership with an international technology partner, a reputable designer and manufacturer of HV circuit breakers.

These products, comprising a combination of a circuit breaker and instrument transformers, have a local content of around 40%, with HVE being responsible for manufacturing the control cubicle as well as the assembly and testing of the complete units.

“The CTB36Plus is of the same design as the CTB36, except that the operating mechanism has been repositioned to ground level to provide easier access for manual operations, inspections and maintenance,” said Craig Aaron, HVE’s Senior Product Support Manager.

In addition to being lower priced and more compact than dogboxes, the modern outdoor combo circuit breaker models are more environmentally friendly, being vacuum breakers whereas the dogboxes were SF6 gas-filled breakers. 




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